Data models
Our current implementation uses a relational database (Postgres).
A key data model in OCPP 2.0.1 is the device model. In our case we modeled the database after what is returned by the charger when it gives us the base report. Here is a diagram showing how the data is related.
Boots {
timestamp lastBootTime
int heartbeatInterval
int bootRetryInterval
string status
json statusInfo
boolean getBaseReportOnPending
json variablesRejectedOnLastBoot
boolean bootWithRejectedVariables
timestamp createdAt
timestamp updatedAt
string id PK
ChargingStations {
boolean isOnline
int locationId FK
timestamp createdAt
timestamp updatedAt
string id PK
Components {
string name
string instance
int evseDatabaseId FK
timestamp createdAt
timestamp updatedAt
int id PK
Evses {
int id PK
int connectorId
timestamp createdAt
timestamp updatedAt
int databaseId
Locations {
string name
geometry coordinates
timestamp createdAt
timestamp updatedAt
string address
string city
string postalCode
string state
string country
int id PK
VariableAttributes {
string stationId FK
string type
string dataType
string value
string mutability
boolean persistent
boolean constant
int variableId FK
int componentId FK
int evseDatabaseId FK
timestamp createdAt
timestamp updatedAt
string bootConfigId FK
timestamp generatedAt
int id PK
Variables {
string name
string instance
timestamp createdAt
timestamp updatedAt
int id PK
ChargingStations ||--|{ Locations : "locationId:id"
Components ||--|{ Evses : "evseDatabaseId:databaseId"
VariableAttributes ||--|{ Boots : "bootConfigId:id"
VariableAttributes ||--|{ ChargingStations : "stationId:id"
VariableAttributes ||--|{ Components : "componentId:id"
VariableAttributes ||--|{ Evses : "evseDatabaseId:databaseId"
VariableAttributes ||--|{ Variables : "variableId:id"
Here is an entity relation diagram showing all the tables.